Saturday, September 30, 2006

hmmm..i feel so damn blue in this not-so-shinny- saturday
why do i feel confuse?!
why do i feel like i'm invisible?
i feel like i'm invisible
let's see the lyrics...

'Cause you don't see me
And you don't need me
And you don't love me
The way I wish you would
The way I know you could' seems like i've been feeling blue (ALL OVER AGAIN)
wishing that i can scream that line!
god,,help me!
so that he can finally realized
i'm still here

~i'm getting tired of pretending i'm tough~
Like a grain on the beach
Like a star in the sky
Far too many too count
With the naked eye
They won't see you


You're the one who looked right through me
Now you're saying that you knew me
When I was invisible
And you're the one who walked right through me
Now you're saying that you knew me
When I was invisible

Little things adding up
Try so hard not to rush
Giving in, letting go
Of the world we know
They won't see you

Force it down
Lose the taste
They all think it's a waste
We don't need to believe every word they say, no
They don't know me

It's so easy to be lost
But maybe you're not lost at all



Wednesday, September 27, 2006

ugh,damn!i hate today so much!first,(i think) failed at physics test,(i think) failed at biology quiz,my pkn paper was gone,and i had a little *hmm2* with sum1.god,i really REALLy hate this day!apalagy bsk ada ulangan mat.huhuhuuuuu.please somebody rescue me before i lose control!mengapa sekolah suka menyiksa murit2 yang sangat manis ini?!

congratz yaah bwt 2 other couples..
Mandy und Rangga
Nanda und Mey (yg udah balikan)

ayoo donk teman2!jadiaan gih!byr smuanya berpasang2an..hehe
kan seruuuu tuuuh!
how bout me?!
lemme say that i'm fine being single
but i'm getting tired of pretending i'm tough

Saturday, September 23, 2006

as i was saying,,cowo2 X2 tuh gentle2!satu kelas tuh bae2 bgt!makasy yah bwt rangga,xiao2,mus2,mariChan,teO.makasy yah rangga uda dipinjemin jaketna.trus bwt smua org yg ngebantuin gw pas lg you lots!bus X2 tuh emank gada mati'na.ada yang munta2 terus (which is me),ada yg mimisan (gw lagy),ada yg kentut,ada yg kencing di botol (mari),trus kido melakukan suatu aib (aib kelas nih,jd ag bs dikasi tau),trus karaokean,pada maen tebak2an,ada yg gandengan tangan,ada yg striptease.SERU SEKALY!trus banyak yg jadian pula lg!congratz yaah bwt chang en dane.hahaha.ampe gw stuck di kamar'na aconk selama stnga jam.overall,it's been a great trip!mau lagy!wiuuuw!

~i've been feeling blue,well how 'bout you?~
waaaa!gw baru balik dr jogja nih td pagy.gila java tripna seru stenga idup!di bus tuh fun bgt!tapi sayangna gw didera penyakit2.huaaaa.bayangkan..pas perjalanan ke bandung gw muntah 2 kali.trus pas pulank dr jogja gw munta lg 2 kali.trus tenggorokan gw sakit,and ga bisa gusi gw rada luka gt jadinya klo makan susa.ditamba lg kulit muka gw yg lg ganti kulit.jadinya kelupas2 gt.jadi perih bgt,klo ketawa kayak ketarik gt.bweeh.dan..pas baru nyampe bandung badan gw rada panas gt.lemees BGT!gmn dgn penyakit gw?!hahahaha.a little is not enough.
tapi,,bus X2 serunya stenga idup!anak2 cowonya gentle smuaa!trus cewe2nya cinta bgt ama kelas X2.hehehe.LAFF YA!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I have made a terrible mistake AGAIN!this is the second one!please,,forgive me my dear!i think i'm starting to like you!i think i'm in love with you.and i just said it.aww.

It's my birthday and I'll do what I want to
Fuck you it's my birthday.
A special holiday only for me, so do what I say.
It's my party, I'll make you cry if I want to...or leave.
Fuck you, it's not your birthday, so do what I say.
For 24 hours your wishing me well, 364 days I'm in hell,
Oh well.
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me.
Alone on my Birthday.
I'm going to Denny's 10 times today, No Tip!
It's my birthday, so do what I say.
Thanks mom didn't have an abortion;
or my birthday wouldn't be today,
but I guess it's just my good fortune, my birthday's today ok.
For 24 hours your wishing me well, 364 days I'm in hell,
Oh well.
Happy Birthday to me.
Happy Birthday to me.
Spank Me!
Oh well,
Happy Birthday to me.
Happy Birthday to me.
I can't believe you forgot my birthday.
It's my birthday and you're wrecking it.
Now it's just like every other day you, didn't do what I say.
How could you forget my birthday?
That's really immature.
Fuck you for forgettin my birthday, you didn't you what I say today.
24 hours, no wishing well, now 365 days I'm in Hell,
Oh well.
Happy Birthday to me.
Happy Birthday to me.
Happy Birthday to me.

*loves it!The Vandals,,you ROCK! is my birthday!happy birthday to me!haha.but why do i feel sorrow?!can't describe it.thanks for the people who sent me birthday glad to have you guys as my friends.LOVE YA'LL!

~i've been feeling blue,well how 'bout you?~

Saturday, September 16, 2006

ARGH!i have made a terrible mistake!it was so stupid!i can't stop blaming myself!OH NO!please,,reply me again dear!i won't do the same thing.AGAIN!god please help me!tell him to do it again!i will reply him nicely!please!

~i've been feeling blue,well how 'bout you?~
here i go all over agaiin.entah mengapa gw semanget bgt ngisi ni blog.haha.maklum lah,udik.10 jam lagi menjelang kedewasaan (or not).gw ngerasa kok gw umur 15 taon tapi masi kayak anak 12 taon.except the love things.i learnt aLOT from the past.i wouldn't possibly do the same mistake EVER again.haha.agak emosional ya?!sepertinya gw tamba dewasa dalam hal2 tertentu doank,badan gw seakan2 ga tumbu2.please god,tambah 15 cm sajaaah!ya tuhaaan..tolong!trus kurangin 8 kilo sajaaah,Tuhan!kabulkaaan permintaaan hambamuuu!amin.tubuh seperti anak kecil,wajah seperti anak kecil,sifat seperti anak kecil,suara seperti anak kecil,cara jalan seperti anak kecil,dan segala sesuatu selayaknya anak kecil.OH TIDAK!
everyday seems the same to me.membantu teman dalam urusan percintaan,tetapi tidak dengan diri sendiri.karena klo dipikir2,gw tuh bego bgt ya.knp?!knp gw bs sampe sebego itu?!but still,if we never fails,we never learns from experience.jd ya gw ambil hikmahnya aja.smua org ngelyt gw sebagai seorang yg 'slalu tersenyum','happy','cheer',but still don't now the weight that i'm carrying.behind my eyes,there's a sad girl crying.i couldn't able to wrap it up.hope there'll be someone who can take me away from the sadness.and when the time is come,i hope it's...HIM!
and I love you now
and I hate you now
and I miss you most of all
all those times we laughed
the scars that you left
still i miss you most of all
there's always something different going wrong
the path I walk is in the wrong direction
there's always someone fucking hanging on
can anybody help me make things better?

~i've been feeling blue,well how 'bout you?~
hmm..skrg gw lg di rumah,ngisi2 blog.gada kerjaan,hari sabtu ga kmn2,hanya ol,dan terduduk di depan kompu,sambil masukin lagu ke iPod.oh mai gat!kesannya gw kesepian bgt ya?!huahaha.begitulah kehidupan saya.sejak berenti les biola,setiap sabtu jadi lebi banyak waktu bwt gw kangen maen biola lagi niih!kpn donk ya?!mauuuu lagiii!padahal gw udah ampir 2 taon tuh.huh,dasar guru sial!pake ngatain tampang gw nyolot lg.kyk tae.muka manis gini masa dibilank nyolot c?!mata lo aja tuh picek!katarak ya bang?!huahaha.hmm,okeh lanjuut!berhubung hari ini gw ga kmn2 brati nanti gw bs lanjutin nntn serial korea yang sempat tertunda gara2 'sudden death week'.bwt yg anak2 angkatan gw pasti tau dah 'sudden death week' tuh paan.hahahaha.untungnya sii uda slese.tinggal hari slasa kita mau java trip!asooy!tapiii..eits,tunggu duluu!pulank dr java trip nanti ulangan + project udah menunggu!let us pray teman2,mari kita hadapi dengan hati lapang!AZA!

~i've been feeling blue,well how 'bout you?~
here's no love today,though i tried in every way to make it happen
guys!guess what?!13 hours from now..i'll turn fifteen!yipiiieee...prasaan ceped amat yaa?!prasaan baru taon lalu gw ngerayain bDay gw di TA.and now,1 years had passed by!and i can't wait till tommorow,and saying to myself 'happy birthday jen,you had succesfully passed 1 year!'
can u believe what had happened to me from my last bday?!you wouldn't think...i'll tell you later!
haiii!this is my first post!lalalalala.makasy yaaah hipo!hipo is the best!she sings,she plays music instrumentS,she speechs,and now she edits!hahahaha.kok gw kyk promosi hipo gini yaah?!lalalalalala.gpp deh,untuk menunjukan betapa terima kasih gw ama hipo!WAAAAAW!